Monday, December 21, 2009

Visual Studio Macro for Opening a stack trace file

I often open a file and go to location from a stack trace. It gives information in the following format:
filename:line 999

Here's the macro that I'm bound to Ctrl-Shift-O (because I don't open projects from shortcuts and it is close to Ctrl-O for opening a file).

Sub OpenFileFromStackTrace()
Dim ret As String = InputBox("Input filename and line number (example=> c:\myfile.cs:line 321):", "Open File From Stack Trace")
If (ret = String.Empty) Then
End If

Dim spl3 As String() = ret.Split(New [String]() {":line "}, StringSplitOptions.None)


Dim line As Integer = Integer.Parse(spl3(1))
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.GotoLine(line, False)
End Sub
